Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Holden Caufield Emphasizes On The Loss Of Innocence In Children. He Fe Essay Example For Students

Holden Caufield Emphasizes On The Loss Of Innocence In Children. He Fe Essay els that once they lose their innocence, they will soon turn into phonies like everyone else. The loss of innocence is very common in the development in human existence. It is caused by many factors. Past a certain age, children are either forced or led unintentionally into a pathway of corruption. A child is also known to lose their innocence by desires, fantasies, and attention. But once they lose their innocence, they tend to desire to go back and pretend to be young again. In the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden discusses the importance of innocence in childrens lives. He feels that once a child loses his/her innocence, he/she will soon be leaded to a life of corruption. Holden also focuses on all the phonies in the world. He feels that the phonies are the reason why children lose their innocence. He defines phonies as people who are liars, corrupted, and people who experienced everything. However, he doesnt realized that he is a phony himself since he has lost his innocence too. Holden thinks that no one loves him so lying to people is a way of telling people that he doesnt want to be hurt anymore. He is also experiencing the feeling about being all-alone in the corrupted world. He is isolated from everyone thinking that no one is going through what he is going through. He shows how he is lonely by wandering the streets by himself, doesnt want to talk to people, and by wanting to be loved by someone. He tries to escape the realities of life by remembering the past with his brother Allie, sister Phoebe, and older brother D.B. Holden doesnt only discuss the innocence and corruption but the way the world changes. He isnt able to adjust to things that changed but he feels more comfortable in places that never changed at all. For instance, he feels really happy when he sees the Natural Museum of History. Holden gets very mad when he saw the graffiti on the side of his sisters school. He just dont want young children to see what he was seeing. He felt like painting over the writing. Holden has many roles in this book. He is also trying to keep children from making the same mistakes that he made in the past. He really wants to help them but he doesnt realize that he isnt. Children have to learn what they did wrong so that they know not to do it again. John Claud wrote an article called, Just a Routine School Shooting. Thomas Soloman Jr. was an average 15 year-old boy, who faced the same problems as other teenagers. He attended church and didnt care much about the Gothic life. He attended Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia. No one died but only six students were injured. Thomas had access to a high0caliber weapon but he chose to use a .22 rifle to shoot up the school. On Thursday morning, Thomas, whom most people called T.J., just got over a break-up with his girlfriend, Stacy Singleton. She spotted T.J. entering the school with his fathers .22 rifle. Students that attended the high school thought that the first few shots were firecrackers. He began firing into the schools indoor commons. He wasnt aiming and was holding it down towards the floor. Ryan Rosa, a junior was injured in his leg. The shooting ended quickly. The rifle T.J. used can only hold a dozen rounds without reloading. When he was finished, he was found kneelin g on the floor with a powerful .357 magnum revolver. He put it into his mouth trying to commit suicide. Cecil Brinkley, the assistant principal of the school tried to convince T.J. that everything was going to be okay. Cecil Brinkley took the gun out of his mouth while watching him collapse to the floor. While searching T.J.s room, they found that he had bomb recipes, notes on where to plant explosives at the school, and writings about his despair. Advertisement project EssayCITATIONSIf a body catch a body comin through the rye. (Page 173, 3rd paragraph from the top)The Catcher in the Rye is not only about the loss of innocence but the activity of innocence. Holdens vision of standing in front of the cliff and protecting the playing children from falling symbolizes how much he wants to dedicate his life to keep the children from falling. He is also trying to express that he is one of the children and that he wants someone to catch and protect him from falling off the cliff. Holden has consumed so much corruption but fears that no one is going to keep him from falling. This particular quote defines the title of the book. A catcher in the rye is an occupation that only lives in Holdens mind. Holden has this fantasy about being a catcher in the rye only to protect children and him. Holden also doesnt discuss what type of child would he catch. No matter what they have done or did, he just wants to save all types of children. His whole mission is to save them from falling off the cliff. Not really falling off a c liff but just to save them from the whole world. You know those ducks in the lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over?(Page 60, 3rd paragraph from the top)This quote defines Holdens difficulty to adjust to the changes around him. He feels comfortable in places where they havent changed. For instance, he visited the Natural Museum of History in New York and he gets very happy that the place hasnt changed since he first went there on a school trip. Holden feels isolated from the world because he feels that no one is going through what he is going through. The Catcher in the Rye doesnt really focus on the loss of innocence but it discusses how an individual feels about the changes in the world. Holden fears that all the changes will expose all adolescent lives to the loss of innocence and corruption. Holden is one unique character. He expresses many feelings towards people. Holdens curiosity towards the ducks in Central Park tell s us that he isnt comfortable in this world and that he has many questions to be answered about life. BibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHY1. Claud, John. Just a Routine School Shooting TIMEMay 31, 1999 pages 34-432. Daley, Suzanne. Runaways of 42nd Street: AIDS Begins its Scourgehttp://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/aids/ May 30, 19983. Magil, Frank N. (Editor). Masterpieces of AmericanNew York, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. 19934. Salinger, J.D. (Jerome David). Catcher in the RyeMassachusetts, Little Brown and Company 1951

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