Thursday, December 26, 2019

Knowledge On Blood Pressure And Workout Plan - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 651 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Sports Essay Level High school Tags: Fitness Essay Did you like this example? Systolic(top number)pressure as defined in the text would be the aspect of a blood pressure reading which indicates the maximum arterial pressure occurring during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart (Hatfield, 2018, p.398). Diastolic (bottom number) pressure as defined in the text is the pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels during the refilling of the heart (Hatfield, 2018, p.398). Many factors can influence blood pressure ranges. If you have a client who meets the criteria of a smoker, has high cholesterol, has diabetes, or takes certain medications(Mayo Clinic, 2018) then you will have to take that into consideration when developing their work out plan. It is important from the start to build that rapport with your client so you are on the same page with their health background. Lacy(myself) Blood pressure is 128/88. The systolic is 128 and the diastolic is 88. I am 32 years old and work out five to six days a week. I have moderate stress in the workplace. My workout consists of thirty minutes of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical, then I target a specific muscle group each day for my strength training rotation. According to my systole and diastole range I can conclude that my systolic is in the normal range, but my diastolic is in the high normal range. Another variable that comes into play is that I take a blood pressure medicine daily and that keeps m e at a consistent level. Typically I run 128/82 on a day I have worked out for an hour and a half, then before bedtime, my numbers change to 110/76 so they fall in the optimal level. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Knowledge On Blood Pressure And Workout Plan" essay for you Create order My co-worker Kim has given me permission to use her name for this study. Shehas a blood pressure reading of 98/70. The systolic reading is 98 and the diastolic at 70 to where she would fall into the level of optimal. She is 45 years old and has high stress as a single mom. Her workouts are considered therapeutic for heras she goes to the YMCA three to four days a week. She does not take blood pressure medicine. Her workout consists of thirty minutes on the elliptical at a pace of 4-5 mph, then she changes up the pace and walks at a pace 3 for two minutes. She then also targets a specific muscle group, and some days if she has time she will use free weights to switch up from the machine routine (Reuter, 2018). A correlation I have with Kim is how similar our workout routines match up. We both agree that targeting different muscle groups on different days is a healthy routine so we can focus on that particular area on the body. We also agree that cardio is a good way to start our workouts and help loosen our bodies as a warm-up so we can reduce the chance of pulling a muscle. I did find it interesting that I am on a blood pressure medicine and have moderate stress, and Kim takes no blood pressure medicine but has high stress levels. I can see how hereditary traits can also play a role as high blood pressure runs on both sides of my family, and Kims family does not have a history of blood pressure issues. Having knowledge on blood pressure will help me as a personal trainer as it will help me develop a workout plan for clients who have this as part of their health background. I will be able to construct a workout specifically to where I am taking into consideration their limitations and help instruct them on the importance of listening to their body. I would help educate them that if they arenew to exercising, begin slowly and incrementally increase the length and intensity of their workouts (Sullivan, 2014). I would also have them monitor there blood pressure readings and make sure they have consulted with their primary care doctor before starting a workout regime.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Roaring Dragon Hotel Good Management Qualities - 1354 Words

Managerial Communication Skills Roaring Dragon Hotel: Good Management Qualities Ranjith Anchuri (Student Id: ranchu8018) Sullivan University Executive Summary This proposal explains a thorough analysis on the good management qualities of organization. Major issue in the organization was the conflicts between management and their employees, which can be solved to get better performance and profits. These conflicts occur between management and employees are due to many reasons like cultural conflicts, inadequate training, and lack of understanding and strict management policies. Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) was state owned hotel in southern part of China and guanxi was integral part of RDH and its business. RDH was facing a strong competition from its competitors who had more westernized corporate oriented culture. The major issues of RDH management responsibilities are understating the different culture; employees, customers, market trends and effectively executing the good management qualities are addressed in the proposal. By understanding and adopting to the different cultures is the new way to develop management skills effectively is sugg ested. This method eliminates any unwanted miscommunications within the team and provides a platform to understand the how employee works in different cultures and thereby increasing the productivity of the organization.Show MoreRelatedThe Downfall Of Roaring Dragon Hotel774 Words   |  4 Pages The Roaring Dragon Hotel Ravi Kolawar Sullivan University MGT 510 Executive Summary This case study describes the downfall of Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) when it handed over to Hotel International (HI), is a well known for its brand name and that failed to make the Roaring Dragon Hotel become a five star hotel due to lack of communication and some other reasons(Grainger, 2008). 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Additionally, it concentrates that business should be built with smart and good work of management instead of influential connections and relations. Recommendations have been provided in the proposals that can assist in saving the reputation of the businessRead MoreRdh Case Study1090 Words   |  5 PagesSULLIVAN UNIVERSITY Effective Management CASE PROPOSAL ON ROARING DRAGON HOTEL MGT 510 Submitted By SADIQ MOULANA Student ID: SMOULA8617 Effective Summary This proposal addresses that taking over any establishment which is under no attractive Progress, by other well educated, experienced, efficient modern management will definitely bring more employment opportunities and good yield to the employers and the society respectively. 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In addition, business should implement new methodologies considering existing methodologies unlike redundancy of employees with Guanxi connections losing its base on which the company is built. Failure to adapt culturally and keep the connections (Guanxi) based on which the Hotel was built which in turn led toRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesintriguing endeavor through the decades. Still, it is always difficult to abandon interesting cases that have stimulated student discussions and provoked useful insights, but newer case possibilities are ever contesting for inclusion. Examples of good and bad handling of problems and opportunities are forever emerging. But sometimes we bring back an oldie, and with updating, gain a new perspective. For new users, I hope the book will meet your full expectations and be an effective instructional

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Delivering Employability Skills Essay Example For Students

Delivering Employability Skills Essay Review your own strengths and weaknesses in his context, identifying areas for personal development and suggesting how you could improve your practice (2. 1, 6. 2). Explain and justify the need to continually update your own knowledge and skills to reflect the changing sector and job market requirements. (6. 1) Part 3: Describe and evaluate a range Of appropriate creative and constructive feedback techniques that underpin persuasive employability skills training (2. 2, (Write approve. 000 1500 words) Assignment guidance part 1: You should include a definition of employability skills and give some examples, such as communication and interpersonal skills: problem solving skills; using own initiative and being self-motivated; working under pressure and to deadlines; organizational skills; team working; ability to learn and adapt; innumeracy; valuing diversity and difference; negotiation skills. You could contrast these with employment skills, giving a definition and some relevant examp les such as, what makes effective C.v.; effective applications; forms and supporting letters; interview techniques; relevant experience. What do you think might be he advantages and disadvantages of each of these two types of training given the current economic situation? Part 2: Next you need to talk about the different skills a teacher needs to enable them to deliver employability effectively, such as knowledge and understanding of different employability skills; active listening; questioning skills; building rapport; giving clear and constructive feedback and showing empathy. What skills and personal qualities do you think you have that would help you to deliver employability as part of your specialist area? For example, consistency, diplomacy, efficiency. Enthusiasm, flexibility, honesty, ability to lead and motivate, observant, patience, persistence, responsiveness, sincerity. Why might they be useful? What competencies do you think you have? Poor example, effective planning and preparation, ability to set SMART targets, ability to use a range of teaching and learning methods, resources and assessment activities to engage and motivate learners, ability to monitor and record progress towards identified targets, ability to evaluate own delivery and identify areas for improvement. Continuing Professional Development (CUP) is a vital part of delivering employability skills in any vocational area. Discuss Why it is so important to ensure that you keep up with changes in policy, practice and legislation. Part 3: Describe, discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of at least 4 creative, constructive feedback techniques such as the 3 + 2 (3 positives and 2 areas for improvement), SEC (example, effect, change / congratulate), BEEF (behavior, example, effect, future) and BOOST (balanced, observed, objective, specific, Emily), or any other models that you are aware of, What are they?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Shimla dairy products free essay sample

Shimla dairy products was a 30 year old family business turned into limited company, which manufactures a wide variety of cheese and other products (including ghee, butter and processed cheese). It manufactures and sells about 29 varieties of cheese. The company currently has two plants with a total capacity of 10000 liters of milk processing. Shimla dairy had been experiencing a growth of 15-20% in sales per annum as opposed to 7-8% growth for the other cheese manufacturing companies in the market. Licensed by the government as a food manufacturer, Shimla is working towards being ISO 9002 accredited and certified with HACCP. Shimla sold its cheese in major Indian cities of New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Bangalore and Hyderabad. It had recently extended its operations to the cities of Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Goa. The major customer for Shimla is the hotel industry (Five-star and the mid-low end) which contributes for about 46% of its revenue. Others include restaurants (20%), Retailers (17%) and Pizza chains (17%). We will write a custom essay sample on Shimla dairy products or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also generates sales through distributors , with one or two distributors in each city. These distributors had exclusive rights for the city and supplied to hotels, restaurants and retail outlets. Shimla dairy has brought about few operational changes, like introducing a night shift to ensure higher quality of milk. Also, the testing for bacteria, yeast and moulds has been improved. Compared to its competitors Shimla dairy has a very low plant capacity and this has lead to the loss of few contracts by the company. Inspite of all these, Shimla had been facing a few problems and is looking out on ways to improve its sales. Few questions, which they are considering are should it explore a particular niche (high or low end cheese)? , which area to concentrate on? How to market its products better? Should the production facilities be expanded? How to create more brand awareness? To analyze the company’s position better , the strengths and weaknesses of Shimla dairy are analyzed . Strength and Weakness analysis (Shimla Dairy): Strengths: * High quality product/s * High sales improvement * High growth in sales (15- 20%) * Wide variety of products * Huge emphasis given on the quality of the product Weaknesses: Limited processing capacity when compared to competitors. Location of the processing plant at a very high altitude makes transportation costlier. * Direct sales only to few supermarkets and bakeries * Distributors had the exclusive rights for those particular city sales. * Heavy reliance on banks for working capital * Zero percent revenue was used for marketing purpose. * Too many varieties , considering the plant capacity * Product recall due to defect in storage conditions or problem in transit, which added an additional cost to the company. External Environment Analysis: Cheese Industry in INDIA Until recently cheese market in India was in infancy but was now poised into a growth stage. A decade ago cheese was a fairly new product to Indian market. But with about 1. 2 billion young, growing population and the growing desire for western style foods and increasing penetration into the Indian market, Cheese has grown rapidly in India. The branded cheese market was estimated to be 9000 tonnes per annum valued at 1. 8 billion. In addition, Indian dairy sector is expected to triple its production in the next 10 years. The increase is expected to reflect in the cheese industry too. Also, India is the lowest cost producer of milk in the world. The market scene in India proves it to be favorable for foreign investment in the sector. Cheese industry in India is not highly regulated. However Government was expected to bring about a policy that non certified cheese shall not be sold. Cheese was mainly consumed in urban areas. Competition : The competition in cheese industry, especially the low end cheese is fierce. Many international brands entered the market. In addition there are many new entrants into the market like Amul, Britannia, Vadilal, Verka, Nandini, Dynamix etc. The entry of the new players and increased marketing activity was expected to expand the market. In anticipation of growth, most of the major players were in the process of expanding their production capabilities. These firms posed tuff competition to Shimla Dairy. To understand the market condition better, following is the opportunities and threat analysis. Opportunity and Threat analysis: Opportunity: * Focus on South Indian restaurant segment as consumption is higher compared to North. * Can explore the pizza chains segment Increase the processing capacity, hence attracting more large scale customers * Milk, which is the major raw material, is available at lowest price. Increasing awareness of cheese and its varieties * Increasing willingness of people to explore new western-style taste * More and more varieties of cheese being introduced. Threats: * The milk yield per cow is on the decreasing side * Fierce competition, thereby limiting the profit margins * No regulation by the government thereby spawning new entrants in low end cheese area. * Lack of sources for funds to increase the production capacity.