Thursday, December 26, 2019

Knowledge On Blood Pressure And Workout Plan - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 651 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Sports Essay Level High school Tags: Fitness Essay Did you like this example? Systolic(top number)pressure as defined in the text would be the aspect of a blood pressure reading which indicates the maximum arterial pressure occurring during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart (Hatfield, 2018, p.398). Diastolic (bottom number) pressure as defined in the text is the pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels during the refilling of the heart (Hatfield, 2018, p.398). Many factors can influence blood pressure ranges. If you have a client who meets the criteria of a smoker, has high cholesterol, has diabetes, or takes certain medications(Mayo Clinic, 2018) then you will have to take that into consideration when developing their work out plan. It is important from the start to build that rapport with your client so you are on the same page with their health background. Lacy(myself) Blood pressure is 128/88. The systolic is 128 and the diastolic is 88. I am 32 years old and work out five to six days a week. I have moderate stress in the workplace. My workout consists of thirty minutes of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical, then I target a specific muscle group each day for my strength training rotation. According to my systole and diastole range I can conclude that my systolic is in the normal range, but my diastolic is in the high normal range. Another variable that comes into play is that I take a blood pressure medicine daily and that keeps m e at a consistent level. Typically I run 128/82 on a day I have worked out for an hour and a half, then before bedtime, my numbers change to 110/76 so they fall in the optimal level. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Knowledge On Blood Pressure And Workout Plan" essay for you Create order My co-worker Kim has given me permission to use her name for this study. Shehas a blood pressure reading of 98/70. The systolic reading is 98 and the diastolic at 70 to where she would fall into the level of optimal. She is 45 years old and has high stress as a single mom. Her workouts are considered therapeutic for heras she goes to the YMCA three to four days a week. She does not take blood pressure medicine. Her workout consists of thirty minutes on the elliptical at a pace of 4-5 mph, then she changes up the pace and walks at a pace 3 for two minutes. She then also targets a specific muscle group, and some days if she has time she will use free weights to switch up from the machine routine (Reuter, 2018). A correlation I have with Kim is how similar our workout routines match up. We both agree that targeting different muscle groups on different days is a healthy routine so we can focus on that particular area on the body. We also agree that cardio is a good way to start our workouts and help loosen our bodies as a warm-up so we can reduce the chance of pulling a muscle. I did find it interesting that I am on a blood pressure medicine and have moderate stress, and Kim takes no blood pressure medicine but has high stress levels. I can see how hereditary traits can also play a role as high blood pressure runs on both sides of my family, and Kims family does not have a history of blood pressure issues. Having knowledge on blood pressure will help me as a personal trainer as it will help me develop a workout plan for clients who have this as part of their health background. I will be able to construct a workout specifically to where I am taking into consideration their limitations and help instruct them on the importance of listening to their body. I would help educate them that if they arenew to exercising, begin slowly and incrementally increase the length and intensity of their workouts (Sullivan, 2014). I would also have them monitor there blood pressure readings and make sure they have consulted with their primary care doctor before starting a workout regime.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Roaring Dragon Hotel Good Management Qualities - 1354 Words

Managerial Communication Skills Roaring Dragon Hotel: Good Management Qualities Ranjith Anchuri (Student Id: ranchu8018) Sullivan University Executive Summary This proposal explains a thorough analysis on the good management qualities of organization. Major issue in the organization was the conflicts between management and their employees, which can be solved to get better performance and profits. These conflicts occur between management and employees are due to many reasons like cultural conflicts, inadequate training, and lack of understanding and strict management policies. Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) was state owned hotel in southern part of China and guanxi was integral part of RDH and its business. RDH was facing a strong competition from its competitors who had more westernized corporate oriented culture. The major issues of RDH management responsibilities are understating the different culture; employees, customers, market trends and effectively executing the good management qualities are addressed in the proposal. By understanding and adopting to the different cultures is the new way to develop management skills effectively is sugg ested. This method eliminates any unwanted miscommunications within the team and provides a platform to understand the how employee works in different cultures and thereby increasing the productivity of the organization.Show MoreRelatedThe Downfall Of Roaring Dragon Hotel774 Words   |  4 Pages The Roaring Dragon Hotel Ravi Kolawar Sullivan University MGT 510 Executive Summary This case study describes the downfall of Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) when it handed over to Hotel International (HI), is a well known for its brand name and that failed to make the Roaring Dragon Hotel become a five star hotel due to lack of communication and some other reasons(Grainger, 2008). Failed to maintain good relationship with employees, customers Read MoreRoaring Dragon Hotel Proposal1323 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Cross Cultural Communication Problems and Solutions: Roaring Dragon Hotel Executive Summary This proposal draws the clear picture of the reasons behind the downfall of the very popular ancient hospitality organization with the 60 years of glorious history of The Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH). This proposal helps to find out the factor which causes the RDH to lose all the customer popularity and decrease the revenue in the competitive market. The main concerning points behind this miserable downfallRead MoreA Brief Note On The Roaring Dragon Hotel1517 Words   |  7 Pages The Roaring Dragon Hotel An effective Study to Improve Intercultural Communications Tejaswi Ananth Suryadevara Sullivan University Managerial Communication Skills (MGT 510) Executive Summary This proposition is a framework for building viable interchanges and having social mindfulness among intercultural gatherings. As, on account of the Roaring Dragon Hotel absence of successful intercultural correspondence is distinguished as one of the prime explanations behind it to endRead MoreA Report On The Roaring Dragon Hotel1443 Words   |  6 Pagesassists the business to remain intact in the market place through giving a paint of a business which despite its popularity faced a downfall after the new weaker management could not improve the profit as well as the quality standards of the hotel. Additionally, it concentrates that business should be built with smart and good work of management instead of influential connections and relations. Recommendations have been provided in the proposals that can assist in saving the reputation of the businessRead MoreRdh Case Study1090 Words   |  5 PagesSULLIVAN UNIVERSITY Effective Management CASE PROPOSAL ON ROARING DRAGON HOTEL MGT 510 Submitted By SADIQ MOULANA Student ID: SMOULA8617 Effective Summary This proposal addresses that taking over any establishment which is under no attractive Progress, by other well educated, experienced, efficient modern management will definitely bring more employment opportunities and good yield to the employers and the society respectively. One should sacrifice certain stubborn principleRead MoreRoaring Dragon Hotel15212 Words   |  61 Pages(ACESA) Guanxi Neglect at the Roaring Dragon in South-west China: The demise of an International Management Contract Stephen Grainger1 University of Western Australia ‘guanxi neglect – neglecting opportunities to show respect towards guanxi relationships’ Abstract This paper introduces the concept of guanxi neglect through a case study that describes the takeover of a formerly Chinese managed hotel by a western based, international hotel management company. Specifically, it covers theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Roaring Dragon Hotel 1063 Words   |  5 Pagesby providing an example of how Hotel international failed in building Roaring Dragon Hotel reputation back by ignoring the importance of cultural adaption (Guanxi Connections in this case). In addition, business should implement new methodologies considering existing methodologies unlike redundancy of employees with Guanxi connections losing its base on which the company is built. Failure to adapt culturally and keep the connections (Guanxi) based on which the Hotel was built which in turn led toRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesintriguing endeavor through the decades. Still, it is always difficult to abandon interesting cases that have stimulated student discussions and provoked useful insights, but newer case possibilities are ever contesting for inclusion. Examples of good and bad handling of problems and opportunities are forever emerging. But sometimes we bring back an oldie, and with updating, gain a new perspective. For new users, I hope the book will meet your full expectations and be an effective instructional

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Delivering Employability Skills Essay Example For Students

Delivering Employability Skills Essay Review your own strengths and weaknesses in his context, identifying areas for personal development and suggesting how you could improve your practice (2. 1, 6. 2). Explain and justify the need to continually update your own knowledge and skills to reflect the changing sector and job market requirements. (6. 1) Part 3: Describe and evaluate a range Of appropriate creative and constructive feedback techniques that underpin persuasive employability skills training (2. 2, (Write approve. 000 1500 words) Assignment guidance part 1: You should include a definition of employability skills and give some examples, such as communication and interpersonal skills: problem solving skills; using own initiative and being self-motivated; working under pressure and to deadlines; organizational skills; team working; ability to learn and adapt; innumeracy; valuing diversity and difference; negotiation skills. You could contrast these with employment skills, giving a definition and some relevant examp les such as, what makes effective C.v.; effective applications; forms and supporting letters; interview techniques; relevant experience. What do you think might be he advantages and disadvantages of each of these two types of training given the current economic situation? Part 2: Next you need to talk about the different skills a teacher needs to enable them to deliver employability effectively, such as knowledge and understanding of different employability skills; active listening; questioning skills; building rapport; giving clear and constructive feedback and showing empathy. What skills and personal qualities do you think you have that would help you to deliver employability as part of your specialist area? For example, consistency, diplomacy, efficiency. Enthusiasm, flexibility, honesty, ability to lead and motivate, observant, patience, persistence, responsiveness, sincerity. Why might they be useful? What competencies do you think you have? Poor example, effective planning and preparation, ability to set SMART targets, ability to use a range of teaching and learning methods, resources and assessment activities to engage and motivate learners, ability to monitor and record progress towards identified targets, ability to evaluate own delivery and identify areas for improvement. Continuing Professional Development (CUP) is a vital part of delivering employability skills in any vocational area. Discuss Why it is so important to ensure that you keep up with changes in policy, practice and legislation. Part 3: Describe, discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of at least 4 creative, constructive feedback techniques such as the 3 + 2 (3 positives and 2 areas for improvement), SEC (example, effect, change / congratulate), BEEF (behavior, example, effect, future) and BOOST (balanced, observed, objective, specific, Emily), or any other models that you are aware of, What are they?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Shimla dairy products free essay sample

Shimla dairy products was a 30 year old family business turned into limited company, which manufactures a wide variety of cheese and other products (including ghee, butter and processed cheese). It manufactures and sells about 29 varieties of cheese. The company currently has two plants with a total capacity of 10000 liters of milk processing. Shimla dairy had been experiencing a growth of 15-20% in sales per annum as opposed to 7-8% growth for the other cheese manufacturing companies in the market. Licensed by the government as a food manufacturer, Shimla is working towards being ISO 9002 accredited and certified with HACCP. Shimla sold its cheese in major Indian cities of New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Bangalore and Hyderabad. It had recently extended its operations to the cities of Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Goa. The major customer for Shimla is the hotel industry (Five-star and the mid-low end) which contributes for about 46% of its revenue. Others include restaurants (20%), Retailers (17%) and Pizza chains (17%). We will write a custom essay sample on Shimla dairy products or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also generates sales through distributors , with one or two distributors in each city. These distributors had exclusive rights for the city and supplied to hotels, restaurants and retail outlets. Shimla dairy has brought about few operational changes, like introducing a night shift to ensure higher quality of milk. Also, the testing for bacteria, yeast and moulds has been improved. Compared to its competitors Shimla dairy has a very low plant capacity and this has lead to the loss of few contracts by the company. Inspite of all these, Shimla had been facing a few problems and is looking out on ways to improve its sales. Few questions, which they are considering are should it explore a particular niche (high or low end cheese)? , which area to concentrate on? How to market its products better? Should the production facilities be expanded? How to create more brand awareness? To analyze the company’s position better , the strengths and weaknesses of Shimla dairy are analyzed . Strength and Weakness analysis (Shimla Dairy): Strengths: * High quality product/s * High sales improvement * High growth in sales (15- 20%) * Wide variety of products * Huge emphasis given on the quality of the product Weaknesses: Limited processing capacity when compared to competitors. Location of the processing plant at a very high altitude makes transportation costlier. * Direct sales only to few supermarkets and bakeries * Distributors had the exclusive rights for those particular city sales. * Heavy reliance on banks for working capital * Zero percent revenue was used for marketing purpose. * Too many varieties , considering the plant capacity * Product recall due to defect in storage conditions or problem in transit, which added an additional cost to the company. External Environment Analysis: Cheese Industry in INDIA Until recently cheese market in India was in infancy but was now poised into a growth stage. A decade ago cheese was a fairly new product to Indian market. But with about 1. 2 billion young, growing population and the growing desire for western style foods and increasing penetration into the Indian market, Cheese has grown rapidly in India. The branded cheese market was estimated to be 9000 tonnes per annum valued at 1. 8 billion. In addition, Indian dairy sector is expected to triple its production in the next 10 years. The increase is expected to reflect in the cheese industry too. Also, India is the lowest cost producer of milk in the world. The market scene in India proves it to be favorable for foreign investment in the sector. Cheese industry in India is not highly regulated. However Government was expected to bring about a policy that non certified cheese shall not be sold. Cheese was mainly consumed in urban areas. Competition : The competition in cheese industry, especially the low end cheese is fierce. Many international brands entered the market. In addition there are many new entrants into the market like Amul, Britannia, Vadilal, Verka, Nandini, Dynamix etc. The entry of the new players and increased marketing activity was expected to expand the market. In anticipation of growth, most of the major players were in the process of expanding their production capabilities. These firms posed tuff competition to Shimla Dairy. To understand the market condition better, following is the opportunities and threat analysis. Opportunity and Threat analysis: Opportunity: * Focus on South Indian restaurant segment as consumption is higher compared to North. * Can explore the pizza chains segment Increase the processing capacity, hence attracting more large scale customers * Milk, which is the major raw material, is available at lowest price. Increasing awareness of cheese and its varieties * Increasing willingness of people to explore new western-style taste * More and more varieties of cheese being introduced. Threats: * The milk yield per cow is on the decreasing side * Fierce competition, thereby limiting the profit margins * No regulation by the government thereby spawning new entrants in low end cheese area. * Lack of sources for funds to increase the production capacity.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Spaans Cookie Company

Spaans Cookie Company Competitor Analysis and Competitive Landscape for Pumpkin Spice Cookie Spaans Cookie Company has expanded, and sells its products not only in California, but also in other states. However, there are many Companies that compete with Spaans, which also bake and sell cookies. These companies include the Great American cookie Company that specializes with gourmet cookies. Great American Cookie is based in Atlanta, but it has other 290 stores all over the United States and thus, it is a big competitor to Spaans.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Spaans Cookie Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other cookie companies include Full Bloom wholesale Baking Company, which is based in California and is growing fast and Interstate Bakeries Corporation, which distributes breads and cakes all over United States. Since all these Companies have their own marketing strategies, Spaans continues to come up with many strategies to st ay at the competitive edge (Spaans Cookie Company, 2011). One strategy that Spaans uses is defining the competitive landscape for the new product – pumpkin spice cookie. This helps the company know who the real competitors are, the type of products being sold, how the customers see the competition and the business model used by competitors. Spaans analyzes its competitors in order to learn their business tricks, and this is done through going to the competitors place and learning more about the business, reading more on the competitor’s website, as well as doing more research on customer reviews. Kotler Keller (2009) affirm that understanding the competitors is essential in any business developing new products. Thus, analyzing competitors has helped Spaans to point out their strengths as well as weaknesses. Some of the weakness from other companies includes lack of quality customer service and lack of variety in products. Spaans have taken advantage of its competitorà ¢â‚¬â„¢s weaknesses and has improved by getting friendlier and kind staff, reducing its prices, and more importantly, introducing the new cookie in the market. Similarly, industry knowledge has kept Spaans at the competitive edge since it was established many years ago. Pricing Strategy Despite having many marketing strategies, Spaans should consider an important pricing strategy that determines the product positioning in the market. Pricing also affects marketing elements such as products quality, channel decisions and advertising (Kotler Keller, 2009). Spaans can use many pricing approaches in pricing the pumpkin spice cookie, but the key ones include customer and competitor based pricing. Customer based pricing has many approaches such as penetration pricing, price skimming, and loss leaderAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Monroe (2003), penetration pricing entails boosting market share of a product and later increasing price after attaining the market share. With this pricing technique, Spaans can introduce the new cookie in the market at a lower as compared to other cookies in order to attract new customers. It is much easy for customers to buy the new product despite having other options due to lower price. Penetration pricing should be used to launch a new product. Likewise, price skimming entails setting a higher price to a product, which is not currently in the market. Since the new pumpkin spice cookies are seasonal products, Spaans can segment its market, and only use the skimming strategy where the supply of the product is low, but the demand is high. By use of this pricing strategy, Spaans will get higher profits before other competitors create the same product and enter in the market. Spaans Cookie Company can also use loss leaders strategy, which is a sales promotion method and entails setting a products price belo w the cost price in order to attract customers. The reason of setting products as loss leaders is to encourage customers to buy more of the company’s products varieties. Furthermore, the company can factor in competitor based pricing, which involves setting the prices inline with those from competitors because customers may consider the cheapest price. When selling such products, Spaans should come up with unique ways of attracting customers such as better customer service in order to make more sales. In conclusion, although many Baking companies are trying to make their products unique, Spaans Company strives to gain the competitive advantage since it is the main strategy to survival and achievement. The company aims at coming up with sustainable market advantages such as brand name recognition. Nevertheless, it is critical for Spaans Company to determine its strengths and its competitor’s weaknesses in order to take emerging opportunities in the market. Additionally, selecting a pricing strategy is important since price is the most visible element, despite having many marketing efforts. Price also reflects the value and benefits the product gives to its customers. Therefore, customer based pricing using the skimming strategy, among others, is seen as the most appropriate pricing approach for the new pumpkin spice cookies. References Kotler, P. Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Spaans Cookie Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Monroe, K.B. (2003). The Pricing Strategy Audit. London: Cambridge Strategy Publications. Spaans Cookie Company. (2011). Spaans History. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social Profile Reports Highlight Metrics That Matter [Live Demo] - CoSchedule Blog

Social Profile Reports Highlight Metrics That Matter [Live Demo] Blog Knowledge is power and without data, there’s no way to make critical updates to your overall marketing strategy.. especially when it comes to social media strategy. Which is why we’re excited to announce ’s newest addition to analytics –  Social Profile Reports! Watch this: Social Profile Reports Highlight Metrics That MatterIn this demo, learn how to: Access top social profile reports from one dashboard.  Stop downloading reports from individual platforms (or multiple third-party tools). Quickly view important social KPIs for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest right inside . Refine your social strategy with actionable insight.  Track your social performance so you know what’s working (and what isn’t). Use real-time data to make updates to your social strategy, so you can continue to drive results. Connect with your audience + create posts that stand out.  Track engagement stats and stop guessing at what will (or will not) resonate with your followers. Utilize your social profile reports to identify top content AND start creating posts you know your audience will love. Get social profile reports delivered right to your inbox  with scheduled reports. Create and schedule easy-to-understand reports to your team + stakeholders on a weekly or monthly basis. Giving everyone a pulse on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest performance. Want more information? Check out Social Profile Reports.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973) (opinion of Blackmun, writing for the Essay

Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973) (opinion of Blackmun, writing for the majority, parts 5 11 or V XI ) - Essay Example Roe’s argument remains controversial throughout Supreme Court history since they are centred towards abortion rights. Blackmun argument divides pregnancies in three stages; first, second and third trimester. In the first trimester, a woman had unrestricted choice to abort if she had consulted her physician therefore; he held that the committee and hospital requirements were unconstitutional. In the second trimester, medical practitioners argue that the abortion poses a threat to the health of a woman and thus state could protect the women by regulating abortion. During the third trimester there was a need to protect a foetus by restricting abortion but Blackmun argued that since the moral and medical status of the foetus are uncertain, the state could not draw their argument on when life begins. For example, the state could not argue whether the fetus and newborn have equal rights if life begun at conception (Goldman 929). Similar justice majority in Doe restated largely and fleshed it to Roe ruling. Justice Blackmun when he wrote to the compact majority, he determined the regulations of the state could pose an obstacle to procedural abortion more specifically in this case, whether the law stipulated that the abortion could be done in a hospital or receive approval by two doctors. This was regarded as a violation to womens intention to terminate pregnancy. Many women have far and wide experience the burden of abortion as a result of the risks that result from aftermath of conception. In this regard, Blackmun argues that the government should relieve the women the burden by allowing them to make independent decisions since they are the transcendental finalist of the effects of abortion or rather not aborting. He further acknowledges the need to resolve the issue of abortion due to its emotional and sensitive nature. The subject of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Greece defaulting on its payments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Greece defaulting on its payments - Essay Example They asked for help from European countries and the IMF for the release of the appropriate kind of the funds. This was done to avoid the defaulting on the debts. The connivance of this cross was at the top of the agenda for most of the nations. This threatened to spread to the other nations of the Euro zone, like that of Italy and Spain (Shumway, 2004). Greece has been at the centre of the costs of the Euro zone. It has accumulated one of the highest levels of the public debt. It has also got one of the largest amounts of the deficit in the budget. This is one of the qualities of the budget and as been at the forefront of the financial pressures. It was the first member to ask for the assistance from the other Euro zone members for the financial assistance. This has been the status of the development of the diverse form of the response to the debt. There have a been a lot of initiatives on the part of the IMF( International Monetary Fund),the European officials, the ECB( European Cen tral Bank) and the officials at the Euro zone have bee trying to alleviate the levels of the financial crisis, by undertaking a number of steps. At the persuasion of the various European leaders, the holders of the Greek bonds have been read to do be sold the off at lower prices to ease the pressure on the Greek economy. The way that the things are progressing, Greece could be the first economically advanced country in the world to default on payments. The developments of Greece are of interest to the whole world as the crisis has chances of â€Å"spilling over â€Å"the other economies. This shall impact the functional aspects of many countries over a sustained period. The Greece government has a long history of the public dent. Since the independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832, the economy is in default. The economists have been pointing to a number of the factors that have affected this kind of the change, the main among them being the extreme levels of the control of the state economy, the public administration in a very bad shape, the tax evasion is at the highest levels in the recent times and the large degree of the political clienteles have been the primary factors causing the problem. The large scale flow of the capital at the low rates in 2000 and the economic crisis of 2008-2009 further increased the problems. These have been one of the main reasons for exacting this inflexion point. BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM The preparation of the Euro as the national currency was preceded by a number of the specific factors. One of the primary factors was the fact that the costs of the borrowing dropped in a very dramatic manner. The use of the different kind of the resources was established for the dropping of the rates of the bond. This had a great impact on the complete process of the development of the economy. There was a thought process that the convergence would be high among the different members. This was re-iterated by the different countries whil e going the Euro zone (Korablev, 2010). The new kinds of the leverage on the payment of the taxes were not used for the level of the government funding. The qualities of the important were not increased; the amount of the public spending was increased. This led to an increase of the amount of the deficit, causing the rise of the problems. This had an impact on the different kinds of the government processes. The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Internal and external environment Essay Example for Free

Internal and external environment Essay Introduction Internal and external environment of each company is a concept of poles apart. The knowledge of human is influenced by various factors that are surrounding the environment in which that an individual is placed. A continuous and steady improvement is the order of the day for increasing the human efficiency in working environment. â€Å"THE modern business man is the true heir of the old magicians. Every thing he touches seems to increase ten or a hundredfold in value and usefulness. All the old methods, old tools, old instruments have yielded to his transforming spell or else been discarded for new and more effective substitutes. In a thousand industries the profits of to-day are wrung from the wastes or unconsidered trifles of yesterday†(Scott, Walter Dill, 1998 Increasing Human Efficiency in Business, Chap. I. pg. 1) The era of computerization is system based approach at every level of working, whether it is in business, management, information technology or any industrial and social sector. The adherence to system has been fruitful in all aspects and also in locating the risk areas that can be monitored to avoid such risks with appropriate standards of management techniques and tools. Definition of system and Manager’s adoption of principles of system A system is defined as an organized, unitary whole composed of two or more interdependent parts (subsystems) where the whole contains identifiable boundaries from its environment (suprasystem). The practice of system is based on system principles and methods which are to be understood by a manager are : (1) Define company as a system (2) Establish system objectives (performance criteria) (3) Identify wider systems (environment). (4) Create formal subsystems (including a humanistic, psychosocial subsystem (5) Integrate the subsystems with the whole system (if not the subsystems themselves, whatever interrelates them with other subsystems. There are various aspects that are co-related with systems approach in terms of management of external and internal environment and how management theory is applicable in legal matters and what is the status of manager in communication in solving complex issues that arise from time to time in both external and internal environment. This is another way of stating that a manager has to be dynamically competitive and work advantageously in both environments with the prop of system theory. Systems theory as prescribed above, requires a complete in-depth understanding about working of a company apart from day to day analysis of performance within and outside environment of a company. The tools that are effective in measuring and managing the affairs of a company are viz., time management, risk management, supply chain management, team management, customer relation management, operation management, management of information systems, decision supportive systems and organizational behavior. A continuous persisting efforts of a manager produces emergence of new ideas and strategies apart from assisting in identifying key areas of a problem. It can also be stated that problems produce some of the best systematic ideas that are recognized as best strategies in the long term for the benefit and growth of a company. †And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty; the thought can in an instant transport us into the most distant regions of the universe; or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard of, may yet be conceived; nor is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies an absolute contradiction†. â€Å"But though our thought seems to possess this unbounded liberty, we shall find, upon a nearer examination, that it is really confined within very narrow limits, and that all this creative power of the mind amounts to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded us by the senses and experience†(Raleigh, N. C Alex Catalogue, An Enquiry concerning Human understanding, Sec. II. The origin of ideas, pg. 11) Ideas are the final output of thinking process, which has to undergo a brain storming session, group discussion and after several workshops, a company launches a new product.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Huynh Quang Nhoungs The Land I Lost :: Essays Papers

Huynh Quang Nhoung's The Land I Lost Vietnamese author Huynh Quang Nhoung wrote the book The Land I Lost. The setting, conflicts, and theme were very interesting in this book. This book too place on an old Vietnamese community farm. Family, friends, and animals lived with the villages. There was a dense jungle bordering part of the small hamlet. There were quite a bit of conflicts throughout this book. Animals would occasionally wander into the village, kill a few cattle, and care everyone. One time, a neighbor stole young Nhoung's trained birds. He stole the small pet back in the middle of night. The best thee to relate to this story is 'Be Thankful For What Has Been Given To You'. These ancient people were very lucky they even had this little piece of land to live and farm on. They were able to harvest enough food to survive and even had some left over to sell at the market. Certain forces or circumstances make the main character or characters act as they do. I find the most interesting part of this book was the characters. There were Many characters, all with there own personalities. Many of these characters happen to be animals. Huynh Quang Nhoung was by far the most important person. The autobiography of Nhoung included his cousin, whose name was never given. His cousin trained a water buffalo to attack and defend itself against crazy animals from the jungle. He taught three little birds to sing separate songs on command after addicting them to opium. Another character is a loose horse snake from the nearby jungle. This snake attempted to steal fish from a neighbor's private pond and squeezed a cow to death, only to be slaughtered by a group of furious farmers. A monkey, belonging to an old woman once ran away from her while she was at market. He stole coals from the smothering fire and accidentally set the house on fire. The characters of The Land I Lost are definitely the most important and Huynh Quang Nhoung's The Land I Lost :: Essays Papers Huynh Quang Nhoung's The Land I Lost Vietnamese author Huynh Quang Nhoung wrote the book The Land I Lost. The setting, conflicts, and theme were very interesting in this book. This book too place on an old Vietnamese community farm. Family, friends, and animals lived with the villages. There was a dense jungle bordering part of the small hamlet. There were quite a bit of conflicts throughout this book. Animals would occasionally wander into the village, kill a few cattle, and care everyone. One time, a neighbor stole young Nhoung's trained birds. He stole the small pet back in the middle of night. The best thee to relate to this story is 'Be Thankful For What Has Been Given To You'. These ancient people were very lucky they even had this little piece of land to live and farm on. They were able to harvest enough food to survive and even had some left over to sell at the market. Certain forces or circumstances make the main character or characters act as they do. I find the most interesting part of this book was the characters. There were Many characters, all with there own personalities. Many of these characters happen to be animals. Huynh Quang Nhoung was by far the most important person. The autobiography of Nhoung included his cousin, whose name was never given. His cousin trained a water buffalo to attack and defend itself against crazy animals from the jungle. He taught three little birds to sing separate songs on command after addicting them to opium. Another character is a loose horse snake from the nearby jungle. This snake attempted to steal fish from a neighbor's private pond and squeezed a cow to death, only to be slaughtered by a group of furious farmers. A monkey, belonging to an old woman once ran away from her while she was at market. He stole coals from the smothering fire and accidentally set the house on fire. The characters of The Land I Lost are definitely the most important and

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Comparison of T. Thomas Fortune and Booker T. Washington

Alex Roth White Power/Black Leadership November 14, 2007 Booker T. Washington and T. Thomas Fortune Though not as well known today as many of his contemporaries, T. Thomas Fortune was the foremost African American journalist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Using his editorial position at a series of black newspapers in New York City, Fortune established himself as a leading spokesman and defender of the rights of African Americans in both the South and the North (wikipedia). The life of T Thomas Fortune spanned several significant periods in American history. His seventy-two years included the experiences of slavery, Reconstruction, â€Å"the Nadir,† and the Harlem Renaissance. In varying degrees, these opposing periods in time influenced and determined the direction of Fortune's life and the realization if his identity as an â€Å"Afro-American. † On the other hand, one of the most influential, celebrated, and criticized black leaders of the twentieth century was Booker T. Washington. Few public figures in African American life during the period of post-slavery excited as much passion and misunderstanding as Washington. Born a slave and deprived of any early education, he became America’s foremost black educator of the late 1890s and early 1900s, introducing the nation to his own brand of education and reform for the post-Civil War United States. Besides using his journalistic pulpit to demand equal economic opportunity for blacks and equal protection under the law, T. Thomas Fortune founded the Afro-American League, an equal rights organization that preceded the Niagara Movement and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), to extend this battle into the political arena (Thornbrough). However, his great hopes for the league never materialized, and he gradually began to abandon his militant position in favor of educator/activist Booker T. Washington's compromising, accommodationist stance (Thornbrough). Fortune's later years, wracked by alcohol abuse, depression, and poverty, precipitated a decline in his once-prominent reputation as well. Washington’s career, on the other hand, was no less successful or influential than that of Fortune’s. He was the founder, first teacher, and principal of the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama, which later became the staple for almost all southern black education. Here Washington instituted his belief in vocational training as a means for black self-reliance, as well as a way to further the black community through providing services people of all races could benefit from (Washington). He became a well-known orator throughout his career, wrote a best-selling autobiography (Up From Slavery, 1901), and advised Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft on race relations in the United States. Later in his life Washington was given the nickname of â€Å"The Great Accommodator† which provides an indication of why later black influences, such as W. E. B. Du Bois and the N. A. A. C. P. so heavily criticized his leadership (Du Bois). Washington was the driving force behind the Tuskegee machine from 1891 until his death in 1915, constantly controlling every operation that occurred at the school. Together these two men helped to shape the landscape of the black community for years after their deaths and as will be shown when their paths crossed during the courses of their lives, sparks flew, tempers flared, and the history of Black America was changed forever. Timothy Thomas Fortune was born a slave in Marianna, Florida on October 3, 1858 (Thornbrough 3). Early in his boyhood he was exposed to the three factors that later dominated his life – journalism, white racism, and politics. Fortune was only five years old when slavery was abolished in 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation. His father, Emanuel Fortune, was a literate slave artisan and one of two African Americans elected as delegates to the 1868 state's constitutional convention and a member of the Florida House of Representatives, and his mother, Sarah Jane Moore, was a slave. Fortune was raised amid tumultuous times in Reconstruction Florida (12). Southern whites, resentful of black political participation, intimidated blacks through acts of violence; Jackson County, the Fortunes' hometown, witnessed some of the worst examples. The Fortune family escaped with their lives, losing their home and profitable farm as they were forced to emigrate to Jacksonville, Florida to start a new life (23). . The young Fortune obtained his education in Florida through a variety of avenues both formal and informal. While in Marianna and Jacksonville he attended Freedmen's Bureau schools and picked up knowledge of the printer's trade from observation in the office of the Marianna Courier (wikipedia). This printing shop was the first of several in which T. Thomas Fortune worked and learned the trade. At the age of thirteen he began his political apprenticeship in Tallahassee, Florida where he was a page in the State Senate and learned first-hand about political corruption and the exploitation of blacks by whites in politics. Fortune's distrust of political parties and his attitude toward race relations were influenced greatly by his teen years in the State Capitol (Thornbrough 34). He also preferred to spend his time hanging around the offices of various local newspapers rather than in school. As a result, he left Florida in 1876 at the age of 19 and enrolled at Howard University during the winter 1874 term to study law. He changed to journalism after two semesters, but a lack of money limited his stay at Howard (40). While enrolled at school he spent part of his time working in the print shop of the People's Advocate, an early black newspaper, where his love of journalism flourished. In 1877 while still in Washington D. C. , Fortune married his long-time sweetheart from Florida, Carrie Smiley (wikipedia). For the next two years he taught school in Florida and worked for the Jacksonville Daily Union as a printer. In 1878 Fortune traveled to New York, where he was hired to the staff of the New York Sun, eventually working his way up to the editorial staff as those around him began to recognize his incredible abilities as a writer and journalist (Thornbrough). A few years later in 1881 Fortune, along with George Parker and Walter Sampson began the newspaper the New York Globe, where Fortune soon became the editor. The New York Globe and its successors, the New York Freeman in 1884 and the New York Age in 1887, would establish Fortune as the head of black journalists (50). One of the reasons that these papers were so successful was their high literary quality and relentless editing by Fortune. At this time he began to establish himself as a leading voice in the fight against American racism and wrote several editorials that argued for equal treatment and protection of the black community. Under his leadership, the New York Globe and its predecessors were regarded as the most distinguished Afro-American papers in the nation (wikipedia). While editor of the New York Globe, Fortune attacked Republicans for not caring â€Å"a snap of the finger† for Negroes and he called upon blacks to form a â€Å"new honest party. Unlike most African Americans of his era, he felt no special affinity or loyalty fort the Republican Party (Fortune). While most black leaders and black newspapers felt an allegiance to the party of Abraham Lincoln, Fortune denounced the Compromise of 1877, when the Republicans ended Reconstruction and sacrificed the constitutional righ ts of southern blacks. He believed that the period of Reconstruction had not sufficiently given the black community an opportunity to establish a base for their future in this country (93). Fortune’s ability to mobilize the black population through the press and other political actions created a desire for the creation of an Afro-American League (Thornbrough). In December of 1889, more than one hundred delegates from twenty-three states met in Chicago to organize the league. The group’s goal was to attain full citizenship and equality for the black community. However, after much effort to organize chapters and raise funds, the league failed, but paved the way for others, such as the Niagara Movement and the N. A. A. C. P. , which is still in action to this day (67). In 1895, the prominent black leader Frederick Douglass died, making Fortune the most well-known militant black spokesperson in the North. However, this came at the price of Republican funding, since Fortune was an independent political thinker, effectively putting his newspapers into financial crisis and forcing him to depend on Booker T. Washington for small sums of money (wikipedia). At this point in their lives both Fortune and Washington were at the peaks of their influential campaigns, trying to make a difference for the black community. I would now like to talk about the background of our other black leader, Booker T. Washington, in order for the reader to get a sense of his upbringing and beliefs before the pair is compared. Booker Taliaferro Washington was born in 1856 on a slave plantation in Virginia (Washington 7). He was about ten years old when in 1865 the Union defeated the Rebels, ending the Civil War and essentially freeing the southern slaves. Soon after this Washington’s family settled in West Virginia. This is the time in Booker’s life when he began to have a thirst for learning, so he asked his mother for a Webster’s â€Å"blue back† spelling book, which put him on the track to greatness (18). Washington one day overheard discussion of a school for blacks called Hampton Institute, and he promptly determined that he would seek a formal education there. Before going to Hampton, Washington worked for a second time in the home of a white family, in this case as a houseboy for General Lewis Ruffner and his wife, Viola, owners of the local mines (Washington 24). Here he learned the importance of strict discipline and form, something that he took with him for the rest of his life and readily applied to his everyday endeavors. In 1872 he set out for Hampton Institute. When his money gave out, he worked at odd jobs. Sleeping under wooden sidewalks, begging rides, and walking, he traveled the remaining 80 miles and asked for admission and assistance (26). After Hampton officials tested him by having him clean a room, he was admitted and given work as a janitor. This is when Booker was noticed for his diligence, hard work, and attention to detail, all characteristics that he emphasized in every aspect of his life. Hampton Institute, founded in 1868 by a former Union general, emphasized manual training. The students learned useful trades and earned their way. Washington studied brick masonry along with collegiate courses. Graduating in 1876, he taught in a rural school for two years (40). Studying at Wayland Seminary in Washington, D. C. , he became disenchanted with classical education, considering his fellow students to be dandies more interested in making an impression and living off the black masses than in serving mankind. He became convinced that practical, manual training in rural skills and crafts would save his race, not higher learning divorced from the reality of the black man's downtrodden existence. In 1879 he was invited to teach at Hampton Institute, particularly to supervise 100 Native Americans admitted experimentally (Washington 47). He proved a great success in his two years on the faculty. In 1881 citizens in Tuskegee, Alabama, asked Hampton's president to recommend a white man to head their new black college; he suggested Washington instead. The school had an annual legislative appropriation of $2, 000 for salaries, but no campus, buildings, pupils, or staff (Washington 51). Washington had to recruit pupils and teachers and raise money for land, buildings, and equipment. Under Washington's leadership (1881-1915), Tuskegee Institute became an important force in black education. Tuskegee pioneered in agricultural extension, sending out demonstration wagons that brought better methods to farmers and sharecroppers. Graduates founded numerous â€Å"little Tuskegees (wikipedia). † African Americans mired in the poverty and degradation of cotton sharecropping improved their farming techniques, income, and living conditions. Washington urged them to become capitalists, founding the National Negro Business League in 1900. By 1915 Tuskegee had 1, 500 students and a larger endowment than any other black institution (wikipedia). At this point in Washington’s journey he begins to kindle a friendship with a black journalist from New York named T. Thomas Fortune. Washington and Fortune seemingly made strange friends. Apparent opposites – the former a soft-spoken accommodationist and the latter a militant agitator – in actuality, they were very good friends who corresponded almost daily throughout the 1890s. Their relationship was based on mutual affection, mutual self-interest, similar backgrounds, and the same ultimate goals for people of color (Thornbough). Born as slaves in the same year and growing up in the Reconstruction South, both men felt a deep obligation to their native region and a duty to improve the condition of southern blacks. Washington provided a model for the black community after his own life. He believed that blacks should work their way from the bottom up because that is where they stood in the first place. He proclaimed that there was honor, duty, and merit to be found in performing challenging, hard work (Washington 37-38). At Tuskegee Booker reinforced the fact that blacks should not feel undignified about taking part in manual labor, but instead learn to love it. Washington also emphasized the importance of personal hygiene to each of his students, stating that â€Å"Absolute cleanliness of the body has been insisted upon from the first. (Washington 81). This belief stemmed from the thought that being presentable and personally responsible for one’s appearance would lead to a more civilized environment for all men and women (80). He believed that to do something that the world needed was the greatest way to earn merit and become rewarded in society. He also believed that blacks should become economically viable before attempting any ventures into politics. Washington stated that black rights would come at a slow and steady pace and that blacks should wait before becoming involved with political affairs (Washington 85). This accomodationist attitude was not favored by many in the black community, including Fortune’s militant beliefs of agitation. Booker’s motto was â€Å"hand, head, and heart,† meaning that that all things should start through the dignified duties of performing tasks the world needs done (42). He believed in an industrial education where his students were prepared for the real world and able to make a contribution not only to themselves, but the black community as a whole. Like Washington, Fortune emphasized the importance of education and believed that practical vocational training was the immediate educational need for blacks as they emerged from slavery (wikipedia). He, too, counseled success through thrift, hard work, and the acquisition of land, believing that education and economic progress were necessary before blacks could attain full citizenship rights. Although the two leaders played different roles and presented contrasting public images, their alliance was mutually useful. Fortune was editor of the leading black newspaper, and Washington needed the Age to present and defend his ideas and methods. Fortune also helped edit Washington's speeches and was the ghostwriter for books and articles appearing under his name, including A New Negro for a New Century and The Negro in Business (Thornbrough). Similarly, as Washington's reputation and influence grew, particularly in Republican circles, he could be a powerful friend. For years he secretly subsidized the Age, helping to keep it solvent. Fortune hoped for Washington's intercession with President Theodore Roosevelt for a permanent political appointment, but all he received was a temporary mission to the Philippines in 1903 (wikipedia). Fortune's dependency on Washington continued to grow. He bought an expensive house, Maple Hill, in Red Bank, New Jersey, in 1901. Its mortgage payments, added to the financial woes of the Age, compounded his monetary problems. As attacks mounted on Washington for his accommodationist methods, Fortune felt compelled to defend his friend. But Washington's more militant black critics, notably W. E. B. Du Bois and the leaders of the 1905 Niagara Movement, simply denounced Fortune as an untrustworthy, former â€Å"Afro-American agitator (Du Bois 69). A new generation of black leaders was appearing, and Fortune's influence was beginning to wane. He broke with Washington and joined members of the Niagara Group in criticizing President Roosevelt's discharge of black troops following a riot in Brownsville, Texas, in 1906. Needing Washington's support though ideologically drawn to his detractors, Fortune faced a crossroads: his life began to disintegrate. Disillusioned and discouraged after h is long efforts on behalf of black America, he separated from his wife, increased his heavy drinking, and suffered what his contemporaries described as a nervous breakdown (Thornbrough). Washington took control of the Age in 1907 by becoming one of the principal stockholders. Later that year Fortune sold his interest in the paper to Fred R. Moore, who became the new editor. This effectively ended Fortune's influence as a black leader. From time to time he found work as an editorial writer and correspondent for the Age and the Amsterdam News. He edited the Washington Sun for a few months before it folded (Thornbrough). Slowly he recovered and in 1919 he joined the staff of the Norfolk Journal and Guide, continuing to write commentaries and editorials for the rest of his life. He became editor of Negro World, black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey's publication, in 1923, remaining there until his death in 1928, but not before the pioneer activist had joined the ranks of Washington's critics, apologized for his ideological waywardness, and observed that â€Å"all along the way I have shaken the trees and others have gathered the fruit (Fortune). † Many critics agree that it was all but impossible for anyone to achieve the ambitious goals Fortune had set given the climate of the times in which he lived. When he abandoned his militant ideology to promote Washington's more accommodationist methods, Fortune destroyed his own credibility as a leader and his personal integrity as well. This was something he could not live with, and it seemed to destroy him. As Emma Lou Thornbrough wrote in her biography T. Thomas Fortune: Militant Journalist, â€Å"Unable to bend as Washington had, he was broken. Before he was thirty years old Timothy Thomas Fortune was widely acclaimed as the most able and influential black journalist of his times and was seen by some as a possible successor to Frederick Douglass. As an editor in New York toward the end of the nineteenth century, he sought to use the press as a vehicle for mobilizing black public opinion to support his militant ideology and for establishing himself as spokesman for and defender of the rights of Afro-Americans in the South as well as in the North. He viewed political action as necessary for achieving his ideological goals as well as an instrument for fulfilling his own personal aspirations. He also conceived of a national organization as a means of carrying out his aims and led in the formation of the National Afro-American League. His political ambitions were thwarted as were his hopes for the League, and in later years his reputation as a militant and uncompromising champion of the rights of blacks was compromised by his ties with Booker T. Washington, with whom his career became inextricably linked. This seeming paradoxical relationship between the two men grew out of the interest that each had in furthering his own career as well as out of mutual respect and affection. But as Washington's prestige and power grew, Fortune's influence and reputation declined (19). Although outwardly conciliatory, Washington secretly financed and encouraged attempts and lawsuits to block southern moves to disfranchise and segregate blacks. He had lost two wives by death and married a third time in 1893. His death on Nov. 14, 1915, cleared the way for blacks to return to Douglass's tactics of agitating for equal political, social, and economic rights (wikipedia). In 1895 Washington gave his famous â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† speech (Washington 99). Although he shared the late Frederick Douglass's long-range goals of equality and integration, Washington renounced agitation and protest tactics. He urged blacks to subordinate demands for political and social rights, concentrating instead on improving job skills and usefulness. â€Å"The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera-house,† he said (101). He appealed to white people to rely on loyal, proven black workers, pointing out that the South would advance to the degree that blacks were allowed to secure education and become productive. Washington's position so pleased whites, North and South, that they made him the new black spokesman. He became powerful, having the deciding voice in Federal appointments of African Americans and in philanthropic grants to black institutions (wikipedia). Through subsidies or secret partnerships, he controlled black newspapers, stifling critics. Overawed by his power and hoping his tactics would work, many blacks went along. However, increasingly during his last years, such black intellectuals as W. E. B. Du Bois, John Hope, and William Monroe Trotter denounced his surrender of civil rights and his stressing of training in crafts, some obsolete, to the neglect of liberal education (Du Bois 73). Opposition centered in the Niagara Movement, founded in 1905, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which succeeded it in 1910. In the Atlanta Exposition speech Booker speaks of the progress of the black community ahs made since the end of the Civil War. He had created the Negro Business League, where black businesses were able to get money and become established through the aid of other black businesses. He also stated his theory of education needing to be industrial, so that young blacks could become independent by providing services the world needs. However, this progress seemed to be tainted because there was very little room for growth, especially in industry and politics. Here it is said that Booker became known as an accomodationist. He made statements during the speech that lead others in the black community to criticize his leadership and future goals of the race as a whole. He said that blacks got as much out of slavery as whites, meaning that they had skills others did not possess (Washington 14). He also stated that he opposed slavery, but was not bitter about the entire nation under this hierarchal control. He thought that blacks should not ask for many rights or privileges because he did not want to annoy them. This view differed completing from those of T. Thomas Fortune because he believed in a more militant approach to the gaining of political and social rights (Bracey et. al. 213) . In â€Å"We Know Our Rights and Have the Courage to Defend Them† he presents a black nationalist view of the United States after the Civil War and Reconstruction (Bracey et. l. 213) . Booker also shared in this view, stating the â€Å"we are a nation within a nation,† although many educated blacks wanted to be seen as Americans. In this writing, Fortune wanted to press the case for black rights, sharing a spirit of agitation with the black community, something that differed heavily from the teachings of Washington (214). Fortune wanted to stir things up by challenging blacks to have manhood and to stand up to white prejudice that they witnessed in their everyday lives, coming up with an actual program to aid this progress (217). First, he represses voter intimidation of the blacks in the South. Second, he discourages the reign of the lynch and mob laws. And third, he discusses the unequal distribution of school funds to black educational endeavors, such as the Tuskegee Institute. Fortune believed that many of these issues were worth fighting for and if the black community could act in solidarity they would eventually achieve their goals (Bracey et. al. 218). The relationship between Fortune and Washington was, to say the least, a tumultuous one, riddled with disagreements and hardships. T. Thomas Fortune was much more outspoken and militant than was his friend Washington, who preferred a less hostile method of progressivism. These men both live incredibly different lives, but were connected by their beliefs in creating a better world for the black community, through political, social, and economic change. Their work will never be forgotten and will be able to be seen well into the future as blacks are continuing to forge ahead, making the world a place that both T. Thomas Fortune and Booker T. Washington could be proud of. Works Cited Washington, Booker T. Up From Slavery. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc, 1996. Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 1997. Fortune, Thomas T. Black and White: Land, Labor, and Politics in the South. New York: Arno Press, 1968. Thornbrough, Emma Lou. T. Thomas Fortune: Militant Journalist. New York: University of Chicago Press, 1972. Bracey, John H. , August Meier, and Elliot Rudwick. Black Nationalism in America. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc, 1970 â€Å"Wikipedia. † 9 Nov. 2007

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The terms Indianization and sinicization Essay

The terms Indianization and sinicization when used to describe certain government administrations mainly refer to the incorporation of local elements into the government. It basically means that the foreign elements of the invaders or other foreign powers are gradually replaced by the indigenous peoples. This process can be used for any race or culture. Indianization and sinicization can therefore be considered as terms that can be used to describe a certain change in the composition of any administrative or government organization that has been established or controlled by any foreign or external power in favor of the local population. In response to this question, sinicization would refer to the process of becoming more Chinese. As a product of social science thinking, this refers to the assimilation of the non-Han Chinese people (Manchus) into the identity of the modern day Chinese. While it has been widely criticized as being a phenomenon which is not strictly cultural, it has been used widely enough to describe the event that occurs when local government administrations controlled by foreign powers are slowly handed over to the local groups. Indianization, on the other hand, refers more specifically to the process by which the British Empire, under control of the British Raj, gradually promoted Indian Officers to higher ranks within the British government in India. These positions, which were traditionally held only by Europeans, were now made accessible to the Indian officers under this movement. This process was introduced in the 1920s but was discontinued during World War 2. 2. What developments in Southern Song China resemble the Industrial Revolution of the West? Why were the emperors during the Song period so successful when their predecessors were not? The developments in Southern Song closely resemble the Industrial Revolution of the West due to the massive shipbuilding, harbor constructions and weaponry development that occurred during this era. After the Southern Song had been weakened and pushed along the Huai River, they were forced to find new ways by which to solidify their economy. Aside from the threat from the Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song also felt that they had to strengthen their defenses and as such, with the aid of Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, the government launched its initiative to improve its maritime interests. It was also during this period that trade greatly flourished due to the improvement of the local harbors, and warehouses that were able to accommodate international trade. This also led to the establishment of a permanent Navy that featured swift paddle-wheel sea-craft. The success of the emperors during the Song period was largely due to the fact that they were able to increase commerce and control the people through a strong central government. During the Song period, there was a growth in the arts and education as well. Another key to the success of the emperors of Southern Song was the military power that it was able to amass due to the modifications that were made to the weaponry since the discovery of gunpowder. Not only did this provide an advantage against the Jin Dynasty, it also allowed for the protection of the Song Dynasty from invaders from the sea. This combination of the improvements in commerce, defense and education allowed the emperors of the Song Dynasty to succeed in unifying China under a single rule. 3. What combination of Mongol attributes and Song weaknesses made the Mongol conquest successful? Please analyze it detail The success of the Mongol conquest was predicated upon the fact that the Song had already become weak due to the battles that it had waged against the Jin Dynasty. While the Song Dynasty was busy fighting the Jin Dynasty along the Yangtze River in 1161, the Mongols were slowly mobilizing their forces and creeping towards the northern regions. After the Song Dynasty held back the Jin Dynasty, the Mongols, who were then led by Genghis Khan, entered China and invaded the Jin Dynasty. The effect of the large raids that the Mongols had due to the military prowess they possessed on land soon led to the amassing of a large Mongol force in China. By 1276, most of the Song territory had now been controlled by the Mongols. This dominance over the Jin and Song Dynasties was made possible by the fact that these dynasties were not able to match up with the land forces that the Mongols possessed. While there were advancements in weaponry that occurred during this time, the Song army was much too inflexible to deal with the attacks of the Mongols. The versatility and swiftness of the attacks of Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes made it impossible for the Song Dynasty to sustain any viable and successful counterattack. Factored with the fact that most of the spending on the military was used to upgrade the Southern Harbors and the Navy, the conquest by the Mongols became all the easier. Therefore, the combination of the land military strength of the Mongols and the weakness of the Song military enabled the Mongols to totally wipe out the Song Dynasty by 1279. 4. Why did Chinese culture become so popular and accepted in Japan? What are the major differences and similarities between the Chinese and Japanese culture. The influx of Chinese culture in Japan began with the introduction of Buddhist practices. During the Asuka period, Buddhism was introduced to Japan by Baekje. It was during this same perioed that Prince Shotoku also introduced the Chinese Culture. The seventeen-article constitution that was introduced during this era by the Prince greatly influenced the Japanese ways and the culture. This seventeen-article constitution was actually a Confucian style document that embodied the teachings of the Chinese with regard to the different kinds of morals and virtues that each and every of the government officials and the emperor’s subjects were expected to possess and to practice. This adaptation of Chinese teachings and philosophies paved the way for more interaction between Japan and China. Coupled with the interest that Prince Shotoku had with the Chinese Culture, most of Japanese society soon began to accept and practice many different aspects of Chinese culture such as music, arts and food. While there is a general mistrust in the relationship that Japan has with China these days, there are still major similarities that these two cultures possess. The practices derived from the seventeen-article constitution are still widely followed and this has even spilled over into the business world. Other similarities include the influence of Chinese architecture in certain towns in Okinawa. As for the differences, the major difference lies in the respect to etiquette and rules. The Chinese tend to be more lax with respect to their practice of etiquette and respect while the Japanese strictly abide by these rules and are generally more consistent with its practice even up to the present times. 5. What impact did Buddhism have on the development of Japanese culture and lifestyles? Give examples in both art and literature where Buddhism was a major factor. Buddhism was introduced to Japan by Prince Shotoku, who is credited with being the first to realize that the Buddhist teachings were different from the other religious cults that were numerous during these times. The impact of Buddhism on Japanese Culture and Lifestyles can basically be categorized in three different periods, the Nara, the Heian and the Kamakura. It was during the Nara period that the Japanese attempted to incorporate Buddhist teachings into local practices. In an attempt to improve the welfare of the state, a number of officials put the Buddhist teachings into practice. These were called the â€Å"Six Schools of Nara Buddhism. † The Heian period marked the progress of Buddhism as a practice reserved for the government into a practice that was now available to the people. The teachings given by Saicho and Kukai allowed for a deeper understanding of the Buddhist practices. Soon after, the Tendai School was formed and this was opened to the public. It was also during this period that concrete examples of the influence of Buddhism began to appear as in the relationship between Buddhism and that of the Shinto Pantheon. The Kamakura period was the height of the influence of Buddhism and its influence was reflected in much of the culture and arts that were produced during this era. Soon after, the Soto and Jodo Shinshu schools were formed during the Meji era and these became totally integrated as essential practices of Japanese life and culture. 6. How did a Japanese emperor differ from the Chinese emperor? Which would you consider more superior and why? The Japanese Emperor is different from the Chinese Emperor on many levels. For one thing, the Japanese Emperor is not considered as the Emperor of the entire civilized world but rather just the head of the entire Japanese empire. Today’s role for the Japanese Emperor has shrunk greatly from the role that he played since the title of Emperor was bestowed in the 6th century. The power, however, that the Japanese Emperor possessed enabled him, as the Supreme Sovereign, to own any piece of land that he desired within the empire and also allowed him complete control over the government officials and subjects. This power was curtailed during the Meiji restoration and is now just limited by the constitution. The Chinese Emperor is quite different and may perhaps be considered as the more powerful emperor due to the traditional belief that the Chinese Emperor was the â€Å"Son of Heaven. † As the absolute ruler of the entire civilized world, the Emperor of China could control any matter that he desired even if it was very minute. He was not considered merely the ruler of a single state but was considered as the only legitimate ruler of the entire world. Since the authority of the Chinese Emperor was derived from the heavens, the words and orders that were issued by the Chinese Emperor were called sacred edicts or â€Å"directive from Heaven. † The emperor had no equal and even the closest of family members had to address the Chinese Emperor with the utmost formality and respect. In practice, however, the power of the Chinese Emperor was held by the chancellors or regents that were appointed to attend to the other matters with regard to the administration and policies of the country. 7. What characteristics of the nomadic peoples made them `barbaric` to the civilizations of India and China? What characteristics of the nomadic peoples would you consider to be strengths? The main characteristics of the Nomadic people that made them seem â€Å"barbaric† to the established and flourishing civilizations of India and China comes from the fact that these people had no fixed settlements. Their nature as nomadic settlers and pillagers was abhorrent to the advanced cultures of India and China. The absence of any central infrastructure of power and of established religions made the nomads seem barbaric by the standards of the Chinese and the Indian civilizations. Another factor which led the Indians and the Chinese to consider the Nomads as barbaric was the culture that these people had. The lifestyles and even the warfare methods that these people employed was primitive, to say the least. The main source of food for these people came from pillaging, hunting and gathering what they could. This was unlike that of the Indians and Chinese who had learned how to cultivate and domesticate. One advantage that the Nomads had, aside from their foraging, hunting and survival skills, was their advantage in warfare. While India and China had the technological advantage, the Nomads were flexible and could adapt to all types of terrain. These Nomads soon became masters of the chariot and had also learned how to utilize certain weapons such as bows and arrows. This made them a very serious threat against any army that either India or China had at this point in history. 8. When did the Mughal dynasty rule India. What achievements occurred during this dynasty? What led to the decline of Mughal rule in India? The Mughal Dynasty was one of the most influential of all dynasties to rule India. Controlling the Indian subcontinent from the early sixteenth century until the early nineteenth century, the Mughal dynasty was widely considered as the pinnacle of the Indian Empire where it was said to have reached its greatest area under one of the Mughal emperors, Aurangzeb. There are many achievements of the Mughal Empire. Some of these include the efforts to unify the Hindus and the Muslims into one single Indian state. At the peak of the Mughal Empire, the population that it ruled over was at over 130 million people. This was over a territory that was estimated to be nearly 1. 5 million square miles. It was also during this period that the government of India was changed and made more centralized to consolidate the power that the emperor had. While the Mughal Empire had reached its peak during the reign of Aurangzeb from 1658 to 1707, it was also during this time that it declined. The intolerant rule that characterized the leadership of Aurangzeb was one of the greatest reasons for the collapse of the Mughal Empire. The pressure that was exerted by the rivalries that began to sprout up and the dynastic warfare that was waged as well as the invasion in 1739 of regions in Northern India all added up to lead to the collapse of what was once a great Indian Empire. 9. Ironically, while Europeans later fought wars over control of the sea routes in the Asian region, China abandoned its dominant position. Why did the Ming court decide to end the maritime voyages of Zheng He just as China reached domination of the Asian seas? Was this a poor decision or one that strengthened China? Please explain. The decision of the Ming Court to end the maritime voyages of Zheng He were borne from the fact that there was an internal conflict in court. Upon the succession of the Hongxi Emperor, there was an order to suspend the trips of Zheng He due to the influence that he had begun to exert upon the court. With the support of certain high ranking Chinese Officials, a policy was soon passed that prohibited the contact with people who were regarded as barbarians. While not directly referring to Zheng He, it was clear that this edict was meant to curtail the trips that he had with people the Chinese considered as having no benefit to China. Another factor that led to this decision was the fact that during this time China was also under siege by the Mongols. The mounting costs for the military that was needed to repel these attacks diverted much of the funds that were needed for the treasure ships that Zheng He controlled. Finally, with the construction of the Great Wall of China, there was not enough funding for Zheng He to go on his trips. This move led to a power vacuum in the Indian Ocean and left the Chinese control over this area vulnerable to other countries. In the end, this movement left China with no clear dominance over sea trade in the area. This also led to the shrinking military control that China had in the Indian Ocean. Since the attention of China was diverted from these sea conquests, there was no more funding that was needed to maintain the stronghold and dominance that it once had. 10. Who founded the Ming Dynasty and what were main characteristics of rule during this period? What were the major achievements of the Ming Dynasty? What is meant by saying that the `sprouts of capitalism` can be found in the Ming Dynasty? The Ming Dynasty is known as the last dynasty that was controlled by the Hans, who are considered as the main Chinese ethnic group. Ruling from 1368 to 1644, this was also considered as one of the greatest Empires of China. It was during this same period that China was able to create a vast naval force and also to amass a standing army of over one million infantry troops. The growth and prosperity that China experienced at this time due to the maritime explorations of Zheng He were also noteworthy. This was also the same time that China began ambitious construction projects such as the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City. It has been reported that the growth was spectacular during this era as China’s population reached nearly two hundred million people. Other major achievements of the Ming Dynasty include the creation of self-sufficient communities allowed China to grow even more during this time. A new class also emerged and was called the scholarly gentry class who had an impact on the traditional methods in Chinese Society. The â€Å"Sprouts of Capitalism† was sown by these seeds and also the increased maritime trade that China now had with the Portuguese and Spanish empires. China soon took advantage of the new global market that had emerged and was soon trading in numerous commodities with countries all over the world. The growth of trade and the establishment of international trading routes also prompted what is now considered as the â€Å"Sprouts of Capitalism. †

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Make Napalm B - Chemical Synthesis of Gelled Sol

How to Make Napalm B - Chemical Synthesis of Gelled Sol Napalm is the name given to any jellied form of gasoline or other flammable petroleum. It is used for circumstances where the liquid is too hard to apply or else wont stay where it is placed.  Napalm B, more usually just called napalm, is an example of a gelled sol. This easy napalm synthesis is an interesting introduction to sols and gels. Materials 35 g polystyrene (e.g., Styrofoam or other polystyrene foam, used for insulated cups and packing peanuts)100 ml gasolinematches or a lighter Procedure Break the polystyrene into small chunks. Sometimes you can find polystyrene foam beads, which will work fine without any additional processing.Pour 100 ml of gasoline into a glass container, such as a 250 ml beaker. Any similar-size glass container is fine.Stir in the polystyrene, a little at a time. The polystyrene foam will fizz and seem to dissolve, although this really is the formation of the gelled sol.When all of the polystyrene has been added, there should be no remaining liquid gasoline. The glass container will contain a semi-rigid sol. Observations and Experimentation with Napalm and the Gelled Sol In an outdoor location, away from heat or flame, invert the container of gelled sol. Notice that it will resist flowing out of the container. Although the sol is a liquid, it behaves like a solid in that it maintains its form.If the sol does not fall out of the glass container, gently tap it to dislodge it. Note the characteristics of Napalm B that make it a gelled sol.On a fire-safe surface, ignite the napalm. If you like, compare the combustion of napalm with the combustion of 100 ml of gasoline. Safety This project is best performed outdoors since gasoline vapors are volatile and toxic. Wear protective goggles and gloves to protect yourself from the splashing of the liquid. Use care when igniting the napalm. Its advisable to have a fire extinguisher handy. This project is intended for mature chemistry students. Keep all materials away from children and pets. Reference: Robert Bruce Thompson, Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments All Lab, No Lecture (2008) OReilly, pp. 326-329.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trabajo en Estados Unidos - Opciones legales

Trabajo en Estados Unidos - Opciones legales El trabajo en Estados Unidos puede ser desempeà ±ado legalmente no sà ³lo por los ciudadanos,sino tambià ©n por los extranjeros que son residentes permanentes legales. Y por los que son titulares de visas temporales de trabajo o de permisos de trabajo. Existen varias opciones para conseguir tanto la codiciada tarjeta de residencia permanente como las visas y los permisos de trabajo. Debe tomarse en cuenta que a la hora de encontrar patrocinador de visa de trabajo, en los estados con menor tasa de desempleo puede ser ms fcil. Estas son todas las opciones migratorias que permiten trabajar legalmente en USA: Ciudadanos estadounidenses Los ciudadanos pueden desempeà ±arse laboralmente en cualquier trabajo para el que reà ºnan las calificaciones necesarias. La ciudadanà ­a la disfrutan todas las personas nacidas en Estados Unidos y las naturalizadas tras cinco aà ±os como residentes permanentes legales, o tres para el caso de los cà ³nyuges de estadounidenses. Residentes permanentes legales Son los titulares de una green card o tarjeta de residencia. Los residentes pueden vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos de por vida, siempre que conserven la residencia fà ­sica en el paà ­s. En determinados casos, como condena por determinados delitos, la residencia puede perderse y el extranjero ser deportado. No todos los trabajos estn abiertos para los residentes permanentes. Por ejemplo, es muy comà ºn que en trabajos relacionados con la seguridad o defensa de Estados Unidos se exija un determinado pase de seguridad (security clearance) que sà ³lo se concede a ciudadanos. Adems, en cualquiera de las cuatro ramas del Ejà ©rcito (Tierra, Mar, Aire y Marines) hay determinadas posiciones para los que estn excluidos todos los extranjeros.Y por supuesto que el requisito de la ciudadanà ­a tambià ©n puede ser requerido por las empresas privadas. Hay varios caminos para obtener una green card. Desde peticiones de la tarjeta para extranjeros realizadas por sus familiares estadounidenses o residentes permanentes a solicitudes por parte de empresas, pasando por una loterà ­a anual de 50,000 residencias. Una vez que se tiene la green card se puede buscar trabajo legalmente a travà ©s de familiares, amigos o recurriendo a bases de datos o empresas especialista en buscar empleo. Visas de trabajo temporal para extranjeros cualificados A pesar de la crisis econà ³mica, hay trabajo en Estados Unidos para los profesionales con ciertas cualificaciones. Esta categorà ­a comprende a un nà ºmero amplio de visas que permiten a sus titulares trabajar por un tiempo determinado en EEUU. Destacan, entre otras, la H-1B para profesionales o modelos, aunque en los à ºltimos aà ±os hay tantas solicitudes que, salvo excepciones para algunas situaciones, es preciso realizar una  loterà ­a de visas H-1B   Adems, existe la L, para transferencias de empleados de una multinacional, la G-4 para trabajadores de organizaciones internacionales con oficinas en Estados Unidos, o la O para personas con habilidades especiales. Cada tipo de visa tiene su propia normativa. Como consecuencia, puede haber grandes diferencias entre una y otra en cuestiones como duracià ³n, posibilidad de aplicar o no para una tarjeta de residencia, permiso de empleo o no para los cà ³nyuges de los titulares principales de las visas o, incluso, la posibilidad de cambiar de empresa. Es muy importante que los extranjeros que disfrutan de visas conozcan las condiciones de las mismas. Visas de trabajo en Estados Unido para extranjeros sin calificaciones La visa H-2B  permite la contratacià ³n de extranjeros para desempeà ±ar labores temporales no agrà ­colas para los que no hay suficientes estadounidenses o residentes permanentes dispuestos a realizarlas. Estas visas se conceden generalmente por un aà ±o, ampliable hasta un mximo de tres y se utilizan para cubrir puestos de trabajo de naturaleza temporal en sectores como los parques de atracciones, resorts de montaà ±a, estaciones de ski o playas. El proceso para contratar a extranjeros con una visa H-2B debe iniciarlo la empresa empleadora estadounidense mediante el relleno de la planilla  I-129. Sà ³lo los ciudadanos de determinados paà ­ses pueden beneficiarse de este tipo de visas. El listado es publicado por el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y, en la actualidad, comprende los siguientes paà ­ses hispanohablantes: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Espaà ±a, Guatemala, Honduras, Mà ©xico, Nicaragua, Perà º, Repà ºblica Dominicana y Uruguay. Existe un là ­mite de visas H-2B que se pueden conceder por aà ±o fiscal, habià ©ndose establecido en 66,000, pudià ©ndose conceder 33,000 en los seis primeros meses e igual nà ºmero en los seis à ºltimos. Por otro lado, las visas C1/D permiten ingresar a EE.UU. para embarcar como trabajar en un crucero, para lo que frecuentemente se recurre a agencias especializadas en este tipo de empleo. Los salarios son competitivos y, como regla general, superiores al salario mà ­nimo en EE.UU. Visas de trabajo en Estados Unidos en labores agrà ­colas Las visas H-2A se conceden a extranjeros para trabajar en puestos de trabajo relacionados con el campo y se conceden por un aà ±o, que se puede extender hasta tres. Adems, el trabajador que disfrute de esta visa puede viajar a Estados Unidos acompaà ±ado por su cà ³nyuge e hijos. En este visado, que se conoce como el programa de trabajadores huà ©sped agrà ­colas, la empresa o el empleador americano que solicita a un trabajador extranjero debern garantizar que à ©ste recibe el mismo salario y disfruta de las mismas condiciones laborales que los trabajadores estadounidenses que realicen labores similares. Adems, debern proveerle con alojamiento gratuito, comidas a bajo precio, si esa es la costumbre en el lugar, y boleto pagado de ida y vuelta desde su paà ­s de origen. Al igual que ocurre con las visas H-2B, sà ³lo los ciudadanos de determinados paà ­ses pueden recibir estas visas. En la actualidad comprende a los siguientes paà ­ses: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador,Espaà ±a, Guatemala, Honduras, Mà ©xico, Nicaragua, Perà º, Repà ºblica Dominicana y Uruguay. Y a diferencia de lo que aplica a la H-2B, en las visas temporales de naturaleza agrà ­cola no existe un cupo mximo anual de visados que se pueden conceder. Los inmigrantes con visa H-2A y H-2B deben ser pagados  el salario mà ­nimo o ms. Para los que buscan trabajo, este es un listado de ms de 60 reclutadores mexicanos de trabajadores temporeros para trabajar en Estados Unidos con visas H-2A y H-2B. Estudiantes internacionales En determinadas condiciones, los estudiantes internacionales podrn obtener un permiso de trabajo que ser emitido por el USCIS. Debern confirmar que pueden trabajar con el oficial de la escuela o universidad a cargo de los estudiantes internacionales (DSO, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Conviene subrayar que cualquier actividad laboral por la que se cobre dinero que se realice sin tener un permiso de trabajo supone una violacià ³n de la visa. Visitantes de intercambio Comprende una gran variedad de posibilidades bajo el amparo de las visas J, conocidas como de intercambio. Por ejemplo, au pairs, profesores y maestros, mà ©dicos, consejeros de campamentos de verano, prcticas al acabar los estudios e, incluso, estudiantes de secundaria. Las condiciones de trabajo estn fijadas en la visa. Permiso de trabajo en Estados Unidos Las personas que se encuentran, entre otras, en situacià ³n de asilo, solicitantes de asilo, acogidos a un Programa de Proteccià ³n Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), refugiados, o sean personas procesando un ajuste de estatus para conseguir una green card pueden solicitarle al USCIS un Permiso de Autorizacià ³n de Trabajo (EAD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tambià ©n pueden aplicar, en determinadas circunstancias, las và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Este es un listado completo de quià ©nes pueden solicitar un permiso de trabajo. Visas TN para mexicanos y canadienses Bajo el amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamà ©rica (NAFTA), mexicanos y canadienses pueden disfrutar de visas para trabajar en Estados Unidos que se otorgan por un periodo inicial de hasta tres aà ±os. Un listado seà ±ala publicado en la pgina oficial de NAFTA seà ±ala 60 profesiones que permiten aplicar. Puede acompaà ±ar al titular de la visa su cà ³nyuge e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, quienes no podrn trabajar en Estados Unidos. Trabajo al crear empleo con visa de inversià ³n Son los casos de la E-1 para negocios de import/export y la E-2 para los dems casos. las personas interesadas en esta visa deben comenzar a informarse sobre de quà © paà ­ses hay que tener un pasaporte para poder solicitarla y sobre cunto dinero hay que invertir y cà ³mo entender este requisito. Empresas e instituciones patrocinadoras Como en la mayorà ­a de los casos de visas o green card por trabajo se necesita una empresa que patrocine, es de interà ©s conocer las 100 que patrocinan  ms visas H-1B  y las 100 que patrocinan ms green cards.   A tener en cuenta cuando la visa tarda mucho Los trmites con Inmigracià ³n pueden demorarse mucho ms de lo esperado. Pero cuando se excede el tiempo habitual para un procedimiento en concreto cabe la posibilidad de demandar mediante un writ of mandamus (consultar con un abogado). Otras opciones diferentes a Estados Unidos Es cierto que Estados Unidos es un paà ­s que atrae a millones de migrantes permanentes y temporales, pero no es el à ºnico. Canad tambià ©n es un destino favorito de migrantes. Este es un listado de ms de 300 profesiones que pueden acceder a un sistema exprà ©s para emigrar.   Finalmente, este es un listado de 20 paà ­ses en los que es posible comprar el pasaporte o la tarjeta de residencia a cambio de una cantidad de dinero.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chief ethical problem(s) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chief ethical problem(s) - Essay Example My professional life still is not confined to one particular professional field, but in all its manifestations it assumes the existence and the necessity of such personal quality as leadership. Under the leadership I mean the ability and the right of me as a social person to lead a group of other like-minded people towards achieving our mutual goal. Thus I understand my goal as a leader is in creation and realization of effective opportunities in noble ways. Only by using honest and justified instruments while being guided by such human values as respect and confidence, my impact as a leader would be long-termed. Thus, I use professional ethics in everyday life in order to choose what to do while facing a moral issue problem. Using own experience I may say some words about my personal method of aiming at the best solution in the field of leadership. As you’ve already understood, I have a kind of moral rules set to use in any situation. First of all, I must be sure in society usefulness (not just personal) of what I am doing. Secondly, I must be responsible and sensitive to possible outcomes of my professional activities. That is why I must follow the principle of "competence", which emphasizes that I should be only involved in those professional activity areas in which I have the knowledge, skills, training and experience. These basic ethical principles can be specified for different areas of professional activity by every decent person. But the main trait for leader at any professional field is being a good communicator. You should be able not just to express yourself well both in speaking and in writing, you must remember that a good communicator is a good listener, so you should be very attentive to people you are surrounded as well as to their problems. True leader should be able to support everybody in the company administrating mechanism if it really needs help. And the most important attribute for leader is being critical towards

Friday, November 1, 2019

History see below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History see below - Essay Example In 1720 Charles issues a Pragmatic Sanction to establish the legal basis for transmission of the Habsburg lands to Maria Theresa; the sanction also declared that the Habsburg inheritance was indivisible. The following years the Austrian diplomacy concentrated on persuading the European countries to accept the Pragmatic Sanction. Nevertheless Charles's concessions did not prevent the outbreak of the Austrian Succession War (1740-48) right after his death in 1740. Beside this Frederick William I, the "sergeant major" King of Prussia, died on 31st May 1740 and Prussian throne passed to his ruthlessly ambitious son, Frederick.1 On December 16, 1740 Frederick II having not agreed to the Pragmatic Sanction invaded the rich Habsburg province of Silesia, meanwhile the while French military forces invaded Bavaria. The next year nearly all the powerful countries of Europe were involved in the war, but still the long-suffering military struggle was for Silesia between Prussia and Austria followed by the Convention of Klein-Schnellendorf in October 1741 and finally the Maria Theresa's truce with Frederick II; still it came too late to prevent a Franco-Bavarian occupation of Bohemia the following month; and this ended up with in January 1742 by the election of Karl Albert (elector of Bavaria since 1726) as the new Holy Roman emperor.2 From the beginning of 1742 year the French troops threatened Flanders, a land dominated by Austria and the Dutch Republic. A Pragmatic Army named from Charles VI's Sanctions assembled to counter the French invasion, with troops from Austria and various German states including Hanover. George II, King of England and Elector of Hanover, resolved to send English troops to join the Pragmatic Allies. Ostensibly the army was to fight for Maria Theresa, but George's concern was that the French intended to pass through the Low Countries and invade his beloved Hanover.3 The English forces were sent to Flanders in mid-1742. The first Silesian War was over on the 11th of June 1742 with the signing the separate peace between Prussia and Austria at Breslau. In 1743 the French were almost completely forced out of the empire, and in March and April 1744 Louis XV (ruled 1715-1774) formalized hostilities by declaring war first on Great Britain and then on Austria.1 The death of Charles VII in January 1745 drastically changed the political situation. Max Joseph, his successor as elector of Bavaria, was aware of the impossibility of the Bavarian position, promised to vote for Maria Theresa's husband, Francis Stephen of Lorraine, grand duke of Tuscany, to be the next emperor, which he accordingly became in October.2 On 11 May 1745 Maurice de Saxe, marshal of France, defeated the combined Anglo-Austrian-Dutch army at Fontenoy, and went on to capture a string of fortresses in